Welcome to the Inescop Ethics Channel

    The Ethical Channel is a communication channel that allows the management of communications made about any irregularity or breach of our Code of Ethics, the Policies that develop it and any other attitude contrary to the Law.

WHO can use the Ethical Channel

All those people who have a relationship with Inescop can communicate:

  • Members of the organisation
  • Suppliers
  • Customers
  • Shareholders
  • Any other third party related to the Group

WHAT facts can be communicated

Facts, attitudes and/or behaviors that imply breaches of Inescop's internal regulations or the law:

  • Workplace or sexual harassment
  • Non-compliance with the law
  • Suspicion of a criminal offence
  • Non-compliance with internal regulations
  • Others

HOW will my information be treated?

All information provided will be treated strictly confidentially.

Additionally, the Ethical Channel allows anonymous communications.

Inescop guarantees at all times the protection of the rights of the informant and the affected person regulated in Law 2/2023.